been around the parking lot

growing old isn’t so bad, you don’t remember everything you said, and after people realized you forgot you just go on and there isn’t any stain on the spot

i have been around this parking lot before and i see things others have dropped from their doors and it reminds me that there is always an ebb and flow between what we keep and what we let go

and it also amazes me that there are garbage cans just feet away, but there i go, i’m not responsible for everyone else, just what i do in this parking lot

so i try to keep my space shored up, clean and presentable for those that show up and help them find the appropriate spot for as long as they need to stay in that slot

you see as i grow older it becomes less and less about me, i’m on the downside and it’s running from me.. so i try to share what knowledge i have found, but only if asked, otherwise i don’t pass it around

so i hope you enjoy your stay while you are here and if i can be of assistance, just leave a note at space #13