anything but Jesus

everyone is looking, searching, reading, to find the guru that will take them to the next level of fulfillment self help guides, motivational speakers with a new twist on the same old dialogue, seek and you will find the guru came, the guru taught, the guru lived a spotless, selfless life and sacrificed himself for…

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just a crackhead……………….for d.m.

i like you, you remind me of me you are very talented and gifted i think you have a good heart, mostly but you’re just a crackhead i want so much to believe in you give you the benefit of my doubts, and everyone’s doubts hoping that you will hit a bottom that works for…

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the depth of faith

i have seen a man live out his faith dealing with death and the pain and suffering that accompanies cancer i have seen a man with unshakable faith never waver in his belief in God and his allegiance no matter how bad it got so i know it can be done the aforementioned question can…

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alpha and omega, beginning and end

it’s a little chilly sitting on the beach this morning, but the sunrise was worth it i watch the waves and think it is good to be able to count on such constants, the movement of the waves, the sunrise and sunset, the change of seasons……………. i draw in the sand the picture before me…

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didn’t cross the line

i walked it and was careful with my words i knew it was there and used it for my guide i said what i wanted to say and there was no aftermath because my message was clear and not cluttered with ”perhaps” a man can say what he needs to say as long as he…

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1st world problems

it is always good to remember where you are, who you are and the blessings you have received………ttucro my car won’t start……………..lucky to be able to afford a car the grass didn’t come in well………………….nice to have a yard my work drains me…………………grateful to have a job medicine is expensive…………….fortunate to be able to see…

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that little voice

that little voice can be foe or friend depending on which way it wants me to go i have no illusions about its source comes from the evil and good that lives in my heart so i dare not say ” can’t imagine where that came from” there are still many boxes in my head…

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i watch the day and log the receipts look over the merchandise what to sell and what to keep and i want to make sure i have been fair and did as i said balancing the books and assessing my share i do not speak of monetary things, but of my actions and the joy…

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step up

the steps are there when you arise picture them inside your mind and every chance you get have the desire and courage to step up oh of course you could say what a silly game, and brush it off and continue on your way but a heart and soul that has a plan in the…

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you ain’t going no where

i did the math and i guess it’s so, in a few months i will be 64 and the things i would like to share with you, you don’t want to know you ain’t going no where i watch these thirty somethings rushing to and fro because they are so busy and people to see…

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