slowly down, moving faster

i’m slowing down as i grow older but i’m moving faster to the truth

so much time was spent searching and the lessons that needed learning were right in front of me

tried to share what life has taught me about being present wherever you are but so much of life can only be learned by living, very few accept what others have learned

but the energy wasted trying to get somewhere and not sure where i wanted to go, reminds me of a dog chasing it’s tail, only stopping when exhaustion takes hold

it is in fact a personal journey and others involved along the way, can only travel certain roads with you and some where meant for only you to tread

i can now take comfort knowing, that things once labeled as ” bad ” have taking on new meaning and now they are experiences i have had along the way

the battering has stopped in favor of acceptance and the realization that this book had a beginning and will continue forever

my part is to participate in the evolution of this man, moving always to the light