miss you

my Father was from a different lot, he made His way from the ghetto to a better spot

in the climb he took his lumps, such is the nature of escape

his role models drank a lot, fought and scraped their way through life and he wanted a better way

so he struck out on his own, distanced himself from the hell he had known and pulled himself along bit by bit

when you are a kid, you never know what will stick with you as you grow, but my old man was a man of his word

he wouldn’t sit down when he needed to be heard, wasn’t afraid to confront authority and wasn’t going to go down without a fight

the longer he is gone from this plane the more i realize what he taught me

he was not an easy man and he didn’t stroll through life, but he was admired and he left his mark on his sons and everyone who knew him

he was in fact his own man…………………for a guy that;s what we are shooting for

so Dad you where a success and i miss you, Happy Birthday