
it is a spiritual axiom: those who are quick to judge are also slow to forgive……..ttucro

so once the judge has made up his mind, the door is closed on what is left behind

He may have all the info he needs to make his final decree, but if he is a man like me, judgment is swift and forgiveness is slow

that isn’t the way it’s supposed to be……………………….i need to be able to offer the same restraint i want others to offer me

but i am prone to forget about the wait and see and go ahead and pass judgment ,because that’s easier for me

compassion and caring take time and if you are always in a hurry you are running behind

so a quick decision saves a lot of time, but it doesn’t account for what is behind the actions of others and the reasons why……..when i don’t have all the answers i make them up in my mind

this judge, and his jury make bad decisions all the time

come down off your pedestal, ”your honor”