no more lumpy rugs

no more lumpy rugs

nothing to sweep under them anymore

nothing to hide and no lingering parasites eating away at my serenity

finding a spot to call my own and inviting people to share it with me

not trying to possess, the emphasis has changed to being pert of and not orchestrating the sequences of the world

or even entertaining that i could do that or even wanting to

getting to know myself has shifted from a witch hunt to tilling the earth of my past and examining the artifacts and thinking about where they come from and what they mean to me

it is a humbling thing to admit one has tried to hide from themselves and wasn’t able to pull it off

this freedom is priceless and the effects on everyone around me has changed my world

i just had to be willing to be honest and take responsibility for my happiness and life

it’s so much easier to walk on rugs that aren’t lumpy anymore and they wear better as well

try a life focused on removing the clutter and chatter in our heads

it is something to strive for