wouldn’t mean anything
i sometimes think i would like to be able to bless people with sobriety
but i’m definitely not God, and they wouldn’t appreciate it anyway, because they didn’t work for it
you must have skin, vomit, blood, snot and spit in the mix or you won’t know what it’s like to be a slave to a substance and be freed from it
you don’t know unless you know
no book in the world nor text presented by the most gifted teacher can come close to the sensation of knowing you are killing yourself and doing it anyway
i would not trade the experience of addition for anything………………….i know
so when we talk you will know that i know and you may begin to trust someone who has worn your shoes
i am an aging man who tried to do himself in and survived to tell the tale
the God who set me free, gave me the responsibility to extend a hand when someone asks for help
not the best negotiator, but this is the best deal i could ever get