the rubber band and red dot

when i realized my life no longer belonged to me because i was under the bondage of addiction, i renewed my desire to have a personal relationship with God………………there was no other way for me

the trade i made was to give my will and direction over to God who lifted me out of that bondage

so my life still doesn’t belong to me and i am responsible to follow the path as i am directed

it was a good trade for me and the contract can only be broken if i decide to take back the reins……………………don’t think so, but i do need reminders

that’s what the rubber band and red dot are for, reminders

the red dot represents a stop sign and if i find myself drifting with thought or action into areas that aren’t good for me that reminds me to stop…………………but i have to have the desire and willingness to look

the rubber band is a novel invention to me………… holds things together and is flexible and can give and stretch to adapt to different situations and that’s a good thing for me to remember…………….to be strong but flexible

these are a few things i do to help me be the person i want to be

do they always work………………about as well as i am willing to use them

red dot, stop……………………rubber band, strong but flexible

in the end we do what we have to do to get where we want to go