the power of restraint

the greatest challenge one will ever face is the conquest and control of self………ttucro

the power that lies within can master any power that lies without provided it is under control

the ability to monitor and modify behavior is a goal that essentially decides success or failure in life

our thoughts we would hope would always be altruistic and pure ,but that would be a stretch for most of us

a more realistic goal is not to be controlled by our emotions

feelings are tricky and they can mast and be oblivious to fact


i walked down the street and i saw an old dog watching me from a porch……………………..i stopped and he got up and met me at the fence

he said as he wagged his tail,” i don’t always get up when i’m summoned, but you seem to be a nice guy and my head could use a little rubbing if you would be good enough to comply

rememberĀ  you have a choice…………….. be careful where you lay………………….sometimes people will respect your space and sometimes you have to move aside…………………i wish i had realized this when i was younger but so many things just take time………………………….. only take what you need because you may have to carry it a long time

needless to say i walk this route often