kelsey and hammer

this is going to be a short story about an endless adventure

i am a school teacher and my name is Kelsey

i’ll get this out-of-the-way up front, i am an amputee the result of a skiing accident………………..and that is all you need to know about that

i have had a few serious relationships but i always felt there was some overriding issue about my leg or rather my lack of one

so i go to a coffee shop often on Saturdays and relax after a run and read or check out websites that interest me

i look out the window and a cute shabby dressed guy gets off his bike and wanders in……………..he looks like he is going to do some physical work or has been…………………i can tell he is fit and playful by his walk and mannerisms……………..he has a mass of curly flaming red hair

our eyes meet as he comes barging in and we smile

after his order is received he asked if he might share my table and i say sure………………..the shop is busy and table space is limited

we introduce and tells me his name is Robert but everyone calls him ”Hammer”, because he builds custom garages and small studios.

i say i teach and he shakes his head and says, ” you must have a lot of patience and i reply,”most of the time”

i am wearing running shorts and my prosthesis is plainly visible but i don’t feel he is paying much attention and that makes me feel comfortable and uneasy at the same time………..weird

he is scouring the paper and i ask him what he was trying to find and he says he is looking for his ad to make sure the telephone number was correct as it was incorrectly listed the day before

he smiles and says” good”

he shows me pictures on his phone and he is obviously gifted and busy………………..really cool stuff

he says, ” you single” and i am caught off guard

i say ” maybe, what’s it to you” and he sits back and i realize that was a bit rough

”sorry i was a little harsh” and he says, ” you’ll get over it”


i say, ” we have been talking for a bit and you haven’t asked me about my leg or rather my lack of one”

and he laughs, ” i was more focused on what was here then what was missing, ” and my shoulders drop and i have to fight from tearing up

i’m interested

”i figured you would tell me if you wanted me to know but frankly it doesn’t matter about the details, i locked in on your face, figured anything else would be a bonus”


that was it

3 weeks and i moved in

he is a fine person and i thought he made me feel complete and he corrected me by saying i was already complete, i just didn’t know it

i am a lucky girl, and he says he is lucky too

i really feel like we teach each other and i have never had that feeling before

wow, someone for everyone……………….damn

this could go on forever, but the main thing is whoever you are, you are complete and good enough………………… just have to believe