God Save from the Queen, for C.O./w Love

God save us from the Queen, the grand-kids jump on the bed and scream, as she is trying to fold clothes

the dishwasher overflowed, think a little one opened the door and we are racing through the house to gather towels

everyone is in time-out and her teeth are clasped afraid her tongue might lash out at three little kids and a husband who won’t do what she says

so in a moment of clarity i suggest the kids and PapaD get in the car and go to the park

the lines in her brow start to relax as we dress to go to the park and offer her a reprieve

so we race and run, tumble and have fun feeding the ducks in the lake, by the time we get home the kids are worn out to the bone and the house looks like a normal gathering place

the kids and i take a nap and nerves seem relaxed and the kingdom is saved once again

so long live the Queen, she does a lot for the King and tranquility and peace are restored at least till the beasts arise from their nap

For Queen C and CiCi, Amelia, Cullen and Ian, monkeys on our bus