close enough for me

i got close enough to the volcano that roared inside of me, to see

it rained down havoc on everyone i would meet

as the lava came flowing, in their eyes i could see what their lips wanted to say

”please go away from me”

you bring something everywhere you go, good and fruitful karma, or pain where the lava flows

no one scratches a tiger and ask him how it goes, they watch him dine on carcasses, they already know

so when you meet a person and soon a thought passes through their mind

”this is gonna cost me, a price that is way to high”

so they stumble through a few pleasantries and then they have to go………………they want to make sure they stay ahead, of the lava flow

so i sat at the base of the volcano and i begin to cry……………. so concerned about myself i sucked the life out of others as they passed by

as i began to feel the pain and damage that i had done, somehow the volcano begin to be still and then it became calm

so i asked for forgiveness as i continue to do this day and every so often the volcano still roars but it doesn’t hurt others like it used to, nor push them away
