it’s not his fault…………………….for my superhero, Grambo

not many times we can honestly say, it’s not his fault and mean what we say

but there is a little man fighting for his life and it’s not his fault

it’s not his fault, his mother’s fault, his dad’s fault or anybody’s fault……………………it was God

it was God who decided to use a little child to remind us of how incredible life is, how it is to be cherished and fought for

it is not his fault but it will be his honor………………..his honor to inspire, to elevate us to a bigger and better place then the pettiness of this world

a 4.5 lb warrior that has faced more hurdles and crossed them, fought more battles and won them, caused more smiles than most of us will ignite in a lifetime and he is just getting started

i know a superhero that doesn’t need a cape and wears a diaper

who has leaped taller buildings then superman and can melt the heart of the crankiest man alive, me

we are witnesses of a God so powerful that He can do the unimaginable and gentle enough to use a little boy to speak a message of hope to a fallen world……………..I AM STILL IN CHARGE