the better half
part of me wants to see you bleed
hang your ass up in a tree
throw all the shit back that you throw at me
yep that what’s inside part of me
part of me thinks you’re a brat
trying to get back at the people who gave you crap
since they’re not around we get their shit
that what’s inside part of me
the other half thinks you’re a pathetic mess, you have no friendsĀ and your family is split
they have all gotten tired of taking your shit and i feel sorry that all the money you have gained has come at the expense of other people and that’s a shame
they have become so use to how you operate they can’t see you are skimming from their plates
but this old dog has been around, watched the sun come up and the sun go down and when it is all said and done i’ll still be around, because i know how to survive
so i’m getting the dirt and the trend is plain to see but bro i’ll make a monkey out of you before you make a monkey out of me
told you a while back but you didn’t listen to me, you’re in my back yard and the dog ain’t chained to a tree
so the other half is biding it’s time and we will see what happens when that day arrives
maybe you will change and maybe so will i but you would be better off dealing with this half then the first i described