better pack a bag

i got excused from the boy scouts for being over stimulated, but i was around long enough to remember one thing…………… gotta be ready…………………….for anything as best you can

now don’t get me wrong, God will help you……………………..but He may see how you handle yourself along the way……………until the flood is up to the roof

if you think your neighbor’s going to help you………………….better pack a bag

if you think your brother’s gonna save you……………………….better pack a bag

if you think your friends are gonna save you……………………..better pack a bag

if you think your smarts are gonna save you………………………better pack a bag

there is an axiom and it would even hold true with the Good Samaritan, if it’s a choice between you ass and their ass……………..

better pack a bag

you are responsible for making it thru this world with Gods’ help, but He will only do what you can’t………………..better pack a bag