splinter in your soul

there is a splinter in your soul and it’s ready to come out

sad to say you put it there and only you can ask to have it removed

we often think  situations just happen out of the blue and all of a sudden, but rarely is that the case

most of the time it is like a snowball rolling down a hill gathering size and momentum along the way, as we add to it as it rolls

there is something about you that you that you can’t or won’t accept

it keeps you in constant turmoil and ravishes you attempts at peace

you don’t have to like it, but meet it face to face and as you get to know it, you will find it was a necessity

you won’t be able to fix it, God will have to do that, but that won’t happen unless you ask for help

such a incredible paradox, the Creator of the Universe, will not invade my space, unless I humbly ask Him for His Help and Grace

there is a splinter in your soul and it’s ready to come out