department ”h”

i am one of those people who like things placed in their respective slot

filed neatly and arranged such that reference is easily achieved

place that notion with the chaotic nature of life and it isn’t hard to see a collision in the offing

i believe my journey here is to elevate, as much as i am willing to work for, myself above my ”human condition”

to come to trust and entrench in the ”Power and Conscious of the Universes,” whom i choose to call God


My personal platform: I was created by my Heavenly Father, i am here to perform certain tasks. I need not worry about those tasks they will be presented when I am able to tackle them. There is no need for worry or agenda, God will orchestrate those specifics when He deems appropriate

plank 1 in my platform: having uttered the aforementioned platform it would thus seem perfectly logical that everything in my life is as it should be. That in all things I should give praise regardless of my human perception knowing that all, not some but all, were placed in my path for a reason and to remember i am on Gods’ time and not mine. That distinction was produced when my life was spared several times and now i am clear that each breath i take is one more than i rightfully deserve.


I will never be perfect………………………….but i am to aim for it

the greatest honor I can bring to my Father is my heart

the thing i must be most vigilant about is leaving a clear, uncluttered channel to Him

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………’s raining………………………………….thank-you God

I’ve injured myself……………………….something for me to look at………………………..thank-you God

a little short this month……………………………….thank-you God

trouble at work…………………………………….thank-you God

issues with my family……………………………thank-you God

good practice

since i cannot see what is ahead of me, i know i can trust in you, to see me through

department ”h”……………………………..human