old friend

you never left though i was in outer space

you said you still saw something that bad choices couldn’t erase

when i was trying to find my way, you never gave advice and you didn’t stay away

you where there a pillar i could hold on to


you never said ‘i told you so’ or ‘that way will lead to pain and turmoil’, but when i made the call, you where there and i never felt i was being judged, just cared for

our friendship has taken many turns, and life has dealt both of us hardships

the one thing in life i am most proud of behind getting sober……………………..i was able to be there when the mountain came tumbling down

we often have little use for words, and often spend time together when only a few are exchanged

i suppose that is what true friendship is about…………………….an unshakable bond that weathers the test of time and allows us to be who we are without a veneer

you have seen my pain and walked through my rain and i have done the same for you

no matter what this world throws at me, i know i can count on you and you know you can count on me

that my friend is the arithmetic of friendship


  1. Heather Enderle on January 13, 2018 at 4:31 am

    Love this, David. Hope you are well and to see you soon.

    • dbubbaorcutt@gmail.com on January 15, 2018 at 1:44 am

      so i had a good day, hope the same for you
      if i have been blessed, i would want the same for you
      there is enough joy and happiness so that everyone can have a share
      and i am grateful that you took the time, to tell me that you care

  2. dbubbaorcutt@gmail.com on January 15, 2018 at 1:39 am

    as long as i have a few friends i believe i can make thru anything