other side of the street

i crossed over and i never looked back

disgusted with myself and the filth i would attract

so a very long winter was replaced by spring

never going back to that side of the street again



it’s a gradual slide not all at once

you start making excuses for things you want

the work thing takes so long, and you want what you want

and it better not take to long, because time is running short


so you slip and slide and scam and lie

doesn’t take long before you’re a different guy

so you’ve lost a few friends along the way

they were getting boring with trying to do the right thing



then one day i was in a jam, my new-found friends

were nowhere to be found

i made a few phone calls and the answer was the same

” man that’s just part of the deal, we do what we do until it catches up with us, then we get punished and after that goes away, we pick up were we ended up and continue the game”

then it hit me, this life really sucks, no one cares for anybody else, unless they have the ”stuff”

after it’s gone they all disappear and you are holding and empty plastic bag, drinking a 2 day old beer


so i crossed back over after looking both ways and I felt better at once

because i know it was the right thing

never going back