Renewel by Christ

it is an incredible experience to go to bed as one man and to awaken as a different one…………………….a better man…. renewed, restored and a better model

this doesn’t have to be an experience for a few…………………somehow i think it is commonly held that life changing occurrences are for a few and that is a misnomer

the necessary requirement is a sincere willingness to be a better person and honesty with oneself to the need for change

i can see no reason that this experience should not continue throughout ones’ life if one has the desire to ascend to a better mindset for service

hey…………………you, me, we were put here for service, and you will never feel better or more complete as a spiritual being having a human experience then to do the best you can do with whatever situation you are placed in, with whomever you are with and to use to the best of your ability the tools you have been provided

we can molt, psychologically and shed whatever isn’t conducive or congruent with our spiritual journey

we have no limits, they are imagined…………………re-imagine unlimited

can’t be done……………….just pretend the sidewalk goes on forever

i am only confined by my mind……………………………..i am only free when there is no more need

this is the day that the Lord has made, you are the person the Lord has placed on this plane…………………………………………………………..but you and you alone determine what your relationship is with Him

jump in