
proverbs 16:3

commit thy works to the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established

I claim this verse as my release from the bondage of self

————————————————————————————i’m not particularly fond of you…………….nor you of me

but in this maze of life………………..damn if i don’t need you and you need me

so from this moment on, things shall be turned around…………….because as you can see i have been instructed to do what i do for Him and no longer for me

it is a great situation, one that will make it easier for both, should have done this when we started, but as we both know i’m a little slow

the assessment reads as follows: ”you do some things very well like making people feel at ease, but them you dishonor their trust by forgetting what they need….so make them feel confident by showing them you care and then finish what you started by carefully recording what they share”

not always fun to look back at your tracks if you slacked along the way, but i would rather kick my own ass, then have you do it for me

so growing and stretching towards the spiritual light isn’t always comfortable but even a snake sheds its’ skin when it gets a little tight

there is a way……………………if you seek it