Archive for January 2018
a little peace
a little peace is greater than all the riches of the world it cannot be bought nor taken has it’s ownership bestowed for oh so many seek it but one thing they must know a distraught entangled spirit cannot reap this hallowed soil no, it is yet a combination of earth turned prepared and toiled…
Read Moreit’s like that
the God in me recognizes the God in you it’s like that…………………….and it is feels pretty cool it’s not necessary to vocalize it, it is acknowledged by the soul a look into your face confirms what i have been told the power is like a current, a steady stream of light, it seems to come from…
Read Moreamused
i hope you are amused with these simple lines i choose i have neither the skill nor aptitude to duplicate what you do your palette is endless and mine is confined by my mind you have no beginning nor end and i am restricted by time but i can appreciate the way You have arrayed…
Read Moredon’t need it anymore
that anger that i kept for you slowly slipped away i stopped feeding it so it didn’t want to stay it just didn’t work for me and was always in the way that anger that i kept for you slowly slipped away first i suppose the blame had to go justification for what i…
Read Moreclose enough for me
i got close enough to the volcano that roared inside of me, to see it rained down havoc on everyone i would meet as the lava came flowing, in their eyes i could see what their lips wanted to say ”please go away from me” you bring something everywhere you go, good and fruitful karma,…
Read Morei know u
i don’t know about you, or have heard about you i know you i know your short comings and your long-comings i know you i know your big head and your twinkling eyes, your turn on a dime spirit i know you i was with you when you lost people, when you gained people and…
Read Moregoodbye spiderman
ecclesiastes 1v18  in much wisdom is much sorrow, he that increases wisdom increaseth sorrow there is a price for everything………………………good to know, better to accept spiderman had long since stopped trying to venture into every crevice that interests him, but that interest was there for a long time those secrets that the dark and sweat…
Read Moreit’s not just a flower…………….for C
it’s not just a flower it’s part of me to you a bit of Gods’ universe, beyond words or muse a simple thing in its majesty, just to let you know i care may you look at it from time to time as it gives its life to you and marvel at its splendor and…
Read Morei’ll help you if i can
i’ll help if i can tell me where you stand what has you condemned, that’s where we will begin the answers may come as you share your concerns and even if they don’t maybe a bit of tension will escape we are here to let God come between and give some reason to this rhyme…
Read Moreit’s not his fault…………………….for my superhero, Grambo
not many times we can honestly say, it’s not his fault and mean what we say but there is a little man fighting for his life and it’s not his fault it’s not his fault, his mother’s fault, his dad’s fault or anybody’s fault……………………it was God it was God who decided to use a little…
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