hung on a tree

heard about this guy, who lived some time ago

said He knew the secret of living in this world

many laughed when He shared with them what He wanted them to know

but a few stayed and listened,and something inside them began to grow


at first it was just a feeling, that they were on to something good

but the more they were around him the more they understood

the treasures of this life was not in riches or getting more, the things He had to offer were not of this world

they started to share a bond with others that believed, that God had sent this man to show them the way

He really started to shake things up with the rulers that were in charge, they began to hate Him and the people came in droves

He questioned their power and He challenged the status quo, He turned the people against them………………………………….this guy had to go

the people came and listened, the story began to unfold, a simple guide for living and gifts more valuable than gold

that’s why they feared Him, they could see it in His face, He was all about love, and it scared them to death……………………”we can’t let Him continue look at the damage He has done, He’s teaching them about freedom and claiming to be Gods’Son”

so they planned a confrontation, to see if He would back down, they mocked an ridiculed Him and knocked Him to the ground

He answered all their questions and mystified them all, when He asked God to forgive them because they would not heed His call……………so they thought it would be best if they put this mad man away ………..and the whole thing would be over when they hung Him from a tree


something strange happened,, He said this is not the end, just a new beginning and He would be coming back again……………………they laid His body in a tomb and rolled a stone across the door…………………the rulers placed guards outside so no one could get in…….for He had said in three days that He would rise again

there was a mighty rumble, the stone rolled away, the man they laid inside the tomb wasn’t there when they came……………… angel waited by the tomb and said He wasn’t there……………..they remembered that He said after three days He would rise again

so the story they thought would end actually had just begun, for He still teaches and walks beside us, He’s not hanging on a tree


you can believe what you want, the times have really changed, but His message is still up to date after all these years…………………….when i walk through this world, glimpses of a man i see, smiling and instructing me to walk and talk a certain way

i’m not good at listening, His instructions often I don’t heed, but He is always there to help me……………………………………..He’s not hanging in a tree

My Lord and Savior isn’t hanging in a tree