quiet inside

as the pages of the calendar turn, the goals in my life have changed

it isn’t about lots of material things, or loads of money in the bank

it’s about peace

the beautiful peace that comes with being still and quiet inside, when the wheels stop turning and a thousand things aren’t running through your head

money cannot buy that, no one can give it to you………………you have to want it and seek it

doesn’t come with hard work…………………….you don’t learn how to achieve it rather you unlearn all the crap you have taken as gospel

you had it when you where born………………………you lost it when you cluttered your life with crap and bought into the ”more” philosophy……………….which is life will be better when i have more

when in reality, we have what we need and life is good when we appreciate what we have

life without desire…………………………..rooted in acceptance is heaven

the goal for me is simple: at peace with myself, at peace with the world and free of want

simple is beauty because it isn’t hidden

choose carefully, but allowing someone to experience your peace is a powerful thing…………………akin to a glowing emberplaced in their heart