don’t let your thorn become a tree
along the way a thorn is stuck in your side and it hurts
you get caught up in things and every attempt you make at removing is thwarted
so you move along and you get used to the pain, it’s just there
doesn’t keep you awake at night, just keeps you from a restful sleep
time passes and you get reminders that it’s there but you kind of blow it off
but one morning, you can’t get out of bed, and you look up and you are staring at a tree
you wonder how it got there
a voice whispers in your ear, i have been reminding you and warning you for a long time,Ā could have handled this yourself…………………… you’re gonna need help
now maybe you’ll pay attention and i’ll show you where to find it
moral of this story: don’t let your thorn become a tree