bill foster

bill foster is gone but he will never die, because i keep a piece of him close by my side

and after these words, maybe you will understand why


I was the wild child growing up,stuck in the middle and I grew up tough

prone to follow a hunch or a dare, the kid in the middle that just didn’t care

drawn to others just like me, side-stepping morals and responsibility and when we found Bill he was us in the extreme

he had checked out of society

at this point we were wild and free, testing the waters of life and reality

pushing the limits every way we could some moved on and a few of us stayed

we would see Bill and he will hit us for a few bucks to compliment the money he made from cutting grass or odd jobs

we would find him in the alley asleep in a box, trying to recover something he had lost

the ability to see that this was the beginning of the end, his brain was damaged and hemorrhaging


didn’t see Bill for a long time, thought he has passed, hit by a car or too much wine

and I proceeded on my way, to a path of destruction and the grave, I was one on the people who decided to stay

I played at life just doing enough to eek out a living and it was rough……………….if you are bent on avoiding growing up you settle for life skills that don’t measure up

I were constantly wondering why life is so difficult, failing to realize that I didn’t measure up…………………………..when your peers decided that they had enough, the consequences were getting bigger and they decided to give up…………… dug in because you like the tag of being a rebel and you carried that flag

life was conflicted and no longer made any sense, the things you were doing were just hurting yourself

so one of the crowd that had laid down the shovel, suggested that you do the same because the hole you were digging was going to end up as your grave

so you ask them frankly what you should do and they said there were meetings for people like me and you

so he said we weren’t bad, just twisted and confused and the knot his life had been was beginning to loose

so i found a meeting and i haltingly walked into this room and i look over at the coffee pot and there was a guy somehow I thought i knew

when i got closer he reached out his hand, he said ”i think i remember you from a long time ago, my name is Bill Foster and i don’t drink anymore”

i was blown away, a guy i thought was lost had found His way, his message was simple and the absolute truth, ” If Bill Foster can quit drinking…………………………so can you”

and he was right

Bill died a few years after that from ephazema, but he died sober

if Bill Foster can get sober so could I and so can you