picture not a puzzle

quietly we go about His work, with gladness in our heart

there are no words to say, the work will do it’s part

professing what the lord has done, for each of us…………quietly

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………i was under the impression that my mission was to find the pieces to the ”puzzle” of life and to discover what the plan was for me

since i have learned that the plan has always been the same……………for me to give my will and my life over to the guidance and care of the God of my understanding

the details may change but the premise is and always will be the same……………i am Gods’ servant………………………….and you can’t work for a better outfit, talk about job security

the pieces i am looking for are not hidden, God places them in front of me everyday

this life isn’t a mystery anymore, God is mysterious………….my life is not

my life is a path to a valley that continues to open up as i travel down the path

to marvelous things, beautiful people dealing with hard things that have little effect on their ability to be happy and grateful

that’s the community you want to be in

life isn’t perfect…………………but it’s good

it’s a picture.not a puzzle