leaving the game

I’m leaving the game after all  this time, I had a good run and my legacy is fine

I tried to help younger players to see we were just passing through and that’ s all it would ever be

you make the rules up as you go and they change depending on what you want us to know…. I figured it out a long time ago, but it is only today that I’m finally letting go

it was your game, under your terms and even your ball, but we agreed to play………….some left because they saw how consumed you were with winning at all costs and we were just pieces to get you there……………..that was it…………….just pieces to get you there

I let you rent space in my head for the money you threw my way and I was grateful for the money even though it had been filtered to ” price you had to pay ” filter, that was the cost of playing on ”your” team, it was never going to be ”our” team, no way

you would have preferred to do it all yourself but there just wasn’t any way and that you had to live with

some like myself wrestled with you from time to time to no avail, the ones who stayed played if off as coming to the place where they wouldn’t get in the ring with you, that really pissed you off when no one would play your game……………that was a lonely place for you when just maybe your ” necessary evils ” as you called us figured out your game and decided to be above it

I have spoken with others who left on their own terms and the consensus is almost unanimous…………………………we worked for an egomaniac that was all about himself and we were just part of the mechanism to make him lots of money and things, but that’s all he had, his wife and his family didn’t respect him, his players didn’t respect him and his money couldn’t begin to replace that

thanks for the bucks you threw my way, ”filtered” as they were, and i will say a prayer for you that perhaps you will understand the value of having people respect you for just being a good and kind human being…………………….that feeling is priceless

here’s your ball