the little part i need

far from being an accomplished writer, a journeyman at best…………..even if i were graced with extraordinary vocabulary and wisdom there is that bit of distance between what is written and what is conveyed and only the reader can add that part

in other words………………………i can’t do this by myself…………………communicate

i love these words, prefer the ones that are weathered and worn….like me

but in their coffers they cannot get us all the way to seeing………………..they can start us off, put gas in the tank, get the map out…………. but you have to make the journey

the measure of a gifted and consuming writer is their ability to encourage the reader to make the trip and if they are having second thoughts, that subtle convincing coaxing that says, ”it will be worth it”

one may never know just where and how these words travel, but a writer must know if a piece is waiting to board a plane in the reader’s mind or asking for help in laying a foundation and planting roots where they are

sometimes it is good to roam and sometimes it is better to stay at home, you my friend will determine that

if you get in the boat, I will provide the oars, but you will have to row

thanks for coming