nothing to say

you ask me to come, so here I am

I will walk by your side

talk if you like if there is something you need to say

I will listen

you got my message without my vocalization, I know because you nodded

so we walked in the park amongst the trees and your words were like a soft sermon to yourself

you identified the problem and how it was handled and how it might have been handled differently

I was doing just what you needed and wanted………………………..not a judge, or moderator, and especially not an impartial witness…………………… needed someone who new you, so you didn’t have to explain the details

I know that helped the flow of your dialogue…………………….the minutia wasn’t needed, it would have been a reiteration of what was already known

often I have felt I was walking in your shoes as you have said much the same to me

interesting how two people with such varied backgrounds could end up making many of the same …………………I started to write mistakes, but life isn’t about mistakes, not really, for whatever reason we had to make them to get to this spot, where we are now

we will tag them misjudgments and leave it at that

no one would go out of their way, to the extent we both did to cause themselves this amount of heartache and pain, damn it………………but we did

you run over the material thoroughly and I appreciate your willingness to speak it plainly……………………………a few minutes pass and I can see the drum on the paving equipment running over the dialogue and repeatedly backing up and repeating the procedure many times

I know this is the end of this predicament, a few ends to tie up, but for all intent and purpose it is finished…………….you have had enough and it is time to move on

you have done the same for me……………………..been a walking tree that was there solidly with me, not as an accountant, as a friend

you needed a witness to the words that had been waiting to crawl from your head, and that you had

it is beginning to mist and the parking lot runs to us

we shake hands, I nod and we pat each other on the back

we made it through another debacle as others  size us up

I raise my hand, nothing to say

we get in our cars and drive away