my room
my room came about in my head…………….took a screened in porch that was almost dead and was reclaimed and reinvented to something unique………………i will let you take a peak into my room
lots of light but not too much, because i value shadows, they add a nice touch, have always to remember no point in trying to compete with the ”Guy” who designed everything
so I gather bits and pieces that remind of things, far away ”voices” and a dog snoring
simple things that i can understand all the knowledge in the world is useless if it doesn’t make me a better man
this is the escape hatch, a place to decompress, a safe harbor when my ship gets to close to the rocks
everyone needs a place to call their own, could be a corner or a hole in the wall
where one is safe and protected from a relentless world that prefers reaction as opposed to thought
perhaps you will share your ”haven” with me and i will tread lightly giving respect to something so special that tells me about you and the honor i take in you letting me see
a side of you few may know,……………………….in your room