from me to you/gift

i have heard people share that they do their art, cooking, writing, hand-works for others not really for themselves…………………to which i would respond, i might eat your cookin’, only because I’m a confessed glutton, but I probably wouldn’t be interested in owning or displaying work that was intended for someone else………………….there is a disconnect

i want a piece of you………………………your sweat, that’s right, your fingerprint, your DNA, your smell………………..something that separates this work from everything else…………..if it is so casual that i offer you some of my work in whatever form and i don’t feel like a piece of me is going with it…………………you don’t want it and i wouldn’t offer it

i write, draw, sing and breathe for me and i may share some of it with you…………..but if it doesn’t mean anything to me, probably won’t mean much to your

art is emotion………………………no emotion……………no art…………………just blobs

i have stopped judging my work from a comparison standpoint………………how can i compare me with you……………………when you are you and i am me

i view from a point of looking or trying to evaluate my progress from work to work of my own

quite honestly it’s nice to have people communicate that they can relate………………….but brother, sister even if you think it is grade school , i would be flattered if i thought i got that phase down

i do what i do, say what i say, draw what i draw because this is who i am………….and good or bad doesn’t have a place here………………………….it is what it is