
it’s good to be here……………………right here

not over there, with yesterday’s problems and tomorrow’s cares

tempting at times to look back and stare or think of tomorrow and what might be lurking there

but as i stand here on this spot, can’t think of anything i forgot

so i think it best if i deal with what is at hand, enjoy today as best i can, try to be of service wherever i can

sounds like a good plan to me

i can’t go back to another spot and try to remember or pick up something i dropped

and tomorrow will come at its appointed time…………………………until then, here in today will just be fine

i need not look for far reaching plans, that would mean tomorrow which is out of my hands

and the remorse of yesterdays is but wasted time, some of the grapes were left on the vine

so i gather what i can use from preceding days and the rest i throw away

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nd use what i can, the rest i throw away

it’s good to be here………………………..right here