life is a paradox

it’s funny to me how things that seem turned around are actually how things should be…………………..paradox

  • the best way for me to be good to me, is to be good to you
  • the best way for me to get my point across, is to totally listen to you
  • the best way for me to achieve my goals, is to help you with yours
  • the best way for me to be happy, whole and free is to assist you anyway i can

it’s all about being part off the solution……………………..anything i do today negatively will impact the world in a negative way

anything i do in a positive way will impact the world in a positive way

it seems all turned around, but it was set up that way so we would seek guidance through the maze of this world

it’s important to ask questions

just make sure you direct them to the right place: ”God”