gag order/ shut up

well it is a bit easier coming from myself than it would be coming from you

so before we cross that bridge, I am placing myself under a ”gag” order

self-imposed, probably before it is suggested from someone else

generally we can tell if we are getting to close to the flame, so I’m backing off before I catch something on fire………me

how did I get here, lets see……………….hmmmmmm……………………..lack of humility

the Bible says to everything there is a season………………………..and so it is

as we have turned the clocks back, no one can explain any reason that seems logical to me, and it’s dark in Virginia at 5:30 P.M.,

perhaps this is a season of reflection and inventory………………..a time to clean house

a time to remember I have come a long way on this journey, but honestly not as far as I would like to think

listen…………………and shut up