walk around the land mines

read the lines before you read between them

if you’re like me I struggle with acceptance of what is before me, sounds kinda odd when I see it on paper, doesn’t stop it from being true

my tendency is to question reality

perhaps that’s a result from living in ”neverland” for many years until I challenged myself to find out what sobriety could look like………………………………. several years later I have discovered and learned many things about myself and I’m still learning

in the throes of addition and addictive living one cannot begin to know the upheaval mentally and physically we are doing to ourselves

it is evident some things will remain convoluted for now and will take divine intervention to sort out………………………that’s not to be determined by me

the things that seem distorted and mixed up in this world are beyond my capacity to change…………………… but they don’t have to be a deterrent to having a happy and purposeful life……………………….i’m learning to work around things I can’t change

there are landmines I placed and some others placed, but if you take your time you can avoid them

the trick is to take your time………………………………never felt like I wasted time from being careful but can definitely say I have when I wasn’t