learning……………..door open…………….door closed
one can have it hammered into them after they’re beaten and bludgeoned and no other choice is left
and they surrender out of desperation……………………………….. or you can be open to suggestions and options you may not have considered while you are trudging through the mire
I have found rather than seeking answers being open to them is a better path for me
if I am looking then the presumption is I know where to look and truth is more often than not………………………….I don’t
as it has been suggested when desiring a spiritual connection, if you are serious you will be contacted
”I don’t know” sometimes is the best choice of words as opposed to offering nonsense and garbage
not surprising as I continue this journey, I am aware of how much I don’t know and how little I understand
but that’s okay……………………..the door is open and I will consider what is directed to me from a source that has access to information I know nothing about
here take the reins, I will try to be a good passenger