God doesn’t answer to me or you

i hate to wait, but i also am painfully aware of jumping the gun on my own and going off half cocked determined to have my way………………………..disaster

I ask God to help me with certain things and i try to ask assistance in being a better person and i get help on His schedule not mine

i would prefer to get some idea of where and when…………….then i think about my attentiveness when i am saked to do certain tasks………………………………….i am not always prompt to say the least

so i get what i need at the appropriate time, until then i sit on my hands, write, bitch and wonder what is taking so long

i have things to do………………………imagine saying that to the creator of the universe, can’t you see how imporetant i am…………………..the nerve……………especially because i believe He made me

i just thought it was time i write this down, look at it and be grateful He puts up with me

God doesn’t answer to me, and I am not His equal