where is this God

where is this GOD you are so quick to recommend seems like a lot of you guys are taking it on the chin

you reply ” that’s what happens when evil wins” your God must not be that Big after all


I can see from your perspective it could look like that but if you are interested I can fill you in, why things happen here and why this kinda stuff goes on, if you have a minute  I will show you how we went wrong

this isn’t my story, I’m not that smart and I could see how initially it would seem far-fetched, but it has been recorded and kept alive by people and scholars a lot smarter than I

so after God created Adam and Eve they disobeyed and ate from the tree, they had it made but you know how people can be they wanted to be in charge and do as they please

so the price we pay from the ”great fall” is we can do what we want and Satan runs wild, our only defense is to stand on His Word

He’s coming back to straighten out this mess, so while we are here this is our test

to remain faithful to a God who loves us very much and muddle through this world and do the best we can so when He comes back we can say we stuck with the plan

It isn’t always pretty and it seems out of control but I know what He has done in my life and onto that I hold

love you brother, seek and you will find

hope that was okay G