pack rat

i don’t know anyone who doesn’t have more crap then they need, more junk that they don’t want, and some clutter in some or all of their dwelling space

i sold a car recently and when i cleaned it out i was absolutely amazed at the stuff that i had accumulated, it was a pain and disgusting

50, pens, sticky notes, 40 cd’s, bottles of water, knives and spoons from take outs, hand tools, books, etc.

not so much trash but over-kill, too much, way too much……………………………….i spent 30 minutes pulling it out and throwing into plastic tubs and another hour separating stuff to keep and stuff to trash, I should have trashed it all

the amount of junk mail I receive each day is incredible, most of it gets trashed right away but not all of it……………..why

because their might be something i need in one of those fliers………………………..yeah right

okay, okay, okay……………………….enough already

i hereby admit that i am a pack rat and take responsibility to make the changes necessary not to keep anymore junk so to enable me to go through the junk i all ready have

i admit i am powerless over junk and my crap is out of control……………………………….whew

still in recovery, mainly from myself