don’t forget to say your prayers

especially if you don’t believe, take a chance it’s absolutely free and it comes with an iron-clad guarantee………………….if you aren’t satisfied you can stop at anytime with no cancellation fee make this offer to anyone, struggling with life, ready to come undone, and if they will try for a few times, it will change their…

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Ringling Brothers/bumbling idiots

the circus is in town, look at all the clowns are they prance around the problems is they are making our laws, and putting lots of money in old mason jars so that when they finish this charade they will be sippin’ martini’s in Jamaica in the shade so my brothers and sisters please come…

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run to Me

okay big boy, now let’s see, things aren’t going your way, you have made a mess of things I suggest you run to Me I warned you but you tend to disagree, after you have exhausted all your options run to Me it would go easier if you would just listen , but you are…

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abide in Me

if you try……………………………you will see………………………… isn’t that hard to abide in Me I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end…………….I created everything and My Children are My Crown I cannot say how much it means when a decision has been made to come into my Holiness with thought, act and deed I…

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don’t mail it

I will write this note so I can see the words in my head in front of me I see your memory is starting to slip…………….I suppose if I were kind i would just let it go, but it pisses me off what you think you know and what really happened so time rearranged the…

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no waiting………….you can have it now

I’m not talking about material things they get old and break what I am addressing is something that money cannot buy, not available in stores or online it is called ”peace” and having had a taste of it at 63 I would like to keep it and share how others may come to know it…

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what will you leave behind

when we are young, defiant and blind……we are unaware that we walk this Earth……..a very short while as the days pass we come to find, that we have no control over the hands of time we wrestle and struggle until we finally admit, we aren’t in charge, and come to terms with it so if…

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love dresses funny sometimes

we get these notions in our head about how things should look and feel problem is we are forgetting that we base these beliefs on our experience and lets face it, no matter how well read we are or traveled…………………we only know a little ””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” this weathered woman approached me on the street, I was…

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this way please i can hear you say, because i know this to be a better way………………..that you may learn to let slip away those things that keep you from me this way please for you aren’t able to see that this path you have chosen doesn’t agree with me…. this way please I’ll open…

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my America

my America isn’t the Kardashian’s, isn’t Hollywood and rarely makes the news my America is Jeff who works on my cars, David who maintains my heating system Jack who is a genius with glass, Danny who can repair anything and my go to guy for everything real people living the best they can and the…

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