there was an old man who danced in the park……………….late in the afternoon just before dark
i would finish my run and wait for Him to stop………………sometimes He waved and sometimes we would talk
He told me that a long ago He left His Home on a distant shore and came to this country with His wife andĀ little boy………..Ā he found work in the factories downtown and they had a good life and were happy they came
His son went to the local high school and played in the band, then the war came and they drafted Him
He was killed fighting people he didn’t know and they never found the remains of His Little Boy
His wife died that day when they got the news, she was here in body but her life was through…………….she never recovered from losing her son and they grew apart and the damage was done
so she passed away several years ago and he comes to dance to remember those times when life was full and festive and they drank a little wine and the son would play with the children in the field and they would dance and sing and play……………………. life was good until it slipped away
so he told me to dance when i had the chance and to savor every moment ” for we do not know how long it will last”Ā Ā i have not seen Fater for quite a while and i supposed He has passed and dances in another world
but every so often when i run by that tree………………………I swear i feel Fater dancing and smiling at me
dance while you can