finding humility

thank-you for the sunshine and thank-you for the rain, thank-you for your patience in trying to teach me about the appropriate measure of a man

you don’t know what you don’t know until you learn it……………..David Jenkins

I am approaching the realization of the quiet power and strength of humility………………………….the conscious effort to be part of, not more, not less

the consideration and concern of others, in what is said and done………………………………it is a spiritual axiom that i cannot do some action that doesn’t affect me, good or bad

if it isn’t good for you……………….cannot be good for me

excess whether it be in emotion or response is costly

the measure of a man is how he handles himself when no one is watching, choosing to do the right thing…………………….because it is the right thing…………………………..responding with temperance when the appropriate action isn’t initially clear

the measure of a man can be discerned by the way he attempts to make others feel comfortable without being noticed

a good day is when there is an opportunity to help and it is recognized and taken………………………without fanfare