take this pain away………………no, don’t take this pain away
on any given day, I can reiterate the heading at the top of this page………….so much I don’t understand and I keep telling myself it’s part of His plan, but does that change………………………….
suffering animals struck by cars, humans stuffed in boxes, bombs tied on the backs of children
take this pain away……………..no wait………………………….I never want to be so bullet-proof and removed,that I have no compassion for life, never
so many things I cannot explain, cannot understand and don’t know why a God that created such a marvelous world would let it come to this…………..chaos
maybe we got it all set up for us and this is the result of how we took for granted and neglected our responsibilities
this is free will…………………that’s it………………………………………….free will is hell
take this pain away…………………the murders, rapes, genocide, hate, on and on and on
imagine, the guys at the top of the food chain are still responsible for the extinction of species, and probably the extinction of man
I wouldn’t want to exist if I wasn’t able to suffer with those suffering, I don’t like it………………………..but it keeps me from becoming a self-centered robot and it lets me know my heart is still the strongest organ in my body
take this crazy, insane, barbaric pain from me……………..eventually             until then let me bleed without bleeding, cry without tears and pray rambling prayers out of desperation that only you would understand
then,…………..the real ”skinny” hits me………………………………………..how would you like to be the Father who watches His children do anything and everything but what He tried to teach them……………………………..that must be very painful indeed
Sorry Father