”good morning” as you step in dog poo……………………………now what are you going to do

morning greets you as you step on top of a fresh pile of dog……………………… you hop around cursing and as you open the door to let them out………… you were too late

you have a choice, you can continue to dance the dance of a crazy man or you can do what you need to do to move on

one keeps you upset and going nowhere and the other gets you moving again

you choose the latter, and take stock of why this happened and who is really to blame…………

you fed them late and and heavy to go to bed on, you know better they don’t

”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””’so little man you made this mess clean it up and confess, that no one is to blame but you

tighten up and start again, no use pretending that it was an accident, own it and remember that it didn’t have to go down this way, but it did

now go have a good day………………………………what’s that smell…………………………now you’re paranoid