today………………..i can do it this way /for HENRY

today i can for pray for you, tomorrow i cannot say

i only have today in front of me and i can look at it one of two ways

i can let the ass you are affect me or i can go a different way……………………………………………..

i can choose to pray for you and the demons that reside just below the surface, generally you are able to hide

but you know i have your number and you think you have mine, the difference is I have  these angels that run interference for me all the time

you really don’t have the upper hand although you like to think you do, the truth is My Buddy holds all the cards and He’s not about to let me get screwed

now i am a big Boy and all the blame doesn’t rest with you, i should have straightened this out long ago, instead of overlooking you

but i can dance around the issue and avoid confrontations with you, but you only have so much time to get right with me or when this is finally over I’m gonna send Him to collect for me

but today i can pray for you, tomorrow i cannot say