the deck…………is stacked

i thought so………….

the deck is stacked can’t you see, all this stuff continues to happen to me

okay so i’ve made some bad decisions, cut some corners here and there, but this is ridiculous

life just isn’t fair

so i am stuck in this mindset for the majority of my life, i can see the lights getting dimmer,and the end is in sight

i thought life would be different exciting and even divine……………………………………then i hear a voice behind me whisper in my ear

——————————————————————————————————————————————–this life is what you make it, you think you’ve got some raw deals…………………..the truth is it could have been worse but i let you slip on the peels………………………………………your attitude has kept you from enjoying simple things…………………….the beauty of a sunset,………………………………..the Robins in the Spring………………….but your life is not over you still have some time  and if you will follow my instructions everything will turn out fine

  • give away something everyday and enjoy watching others share in the joy you can bring
  • be a grateful person and treasure every breath you take, it isn’t a given how long you get to stay
  • appreciate the things you have, the rest you don’t need, if you did He would have provided them, i know you understand what i mean
  • so make everyday an adventure be ready to make some turns, let him tell you where to go, better yet let Him drive

so yes the deck has always been stacked, always leaning towards you way, but you could never see it you were so busy voicing your complaints