
after I get to know you I might show you the key how to get below the surface, inside of me

but everyone doesn’t get to go there and I am selective to a fault, but my heart has to many scars and it is now protected by a vault

I’m not blaming anyone,that took me a long time to say, but I am responsible for my own well being and it will take some time before I put much stock in what you say

cautious as a mother protecting her brood, you won’t get past the check points until you know the code

and it’s pretty straightforward, but few are able to follow through, starts with being honest a trait possessed by few, continues with the inclination to consider others all well as you, ends with giving your attention to being in the ”now”

so I go whatever I need to go and do whatever I need to do, I have this wonderful layer of protection keeps your shit off me and my shit off you