stay in your yard

stay in your yard and be a good boy, you have plenty of water, food and toys……………………………….. and I’ll be back to check on you when I finish my chores……………………………………………. I hope you’re listening, you seem kinda bored

damn, kinda thought this would happen……………………………. you are nowhere in sight………………………………….. the gate’s been pushed open, I thought I had it locked tight…………………………………………. I love you Mutt but you’re a hardheaded soul and”wanderlust” has got you under her control

I see it when we’re walking…………………………………………………….. you just can’t stand, being tethered to the arm of this old, slow man…………………you want to run after squirrels, butterflies and bees…………………………… you just don’t understand the dangers of the street

weekends are often spent at our cabin in the woods……………………………………………… and that’s the way you like it, free as a bird………………… to wade in the stream, sun in the field, you just don’t seem to understand……………………. two different worlds

in an effort to protect you, it’s either a pen or a cage………………………………..  I know to you, it might as well be a grave

but that’s the way it is……………………………………….. the way it has to be…………………………………………. anything that is domesticated is never really free


when I wrote this harangue I thought it was about my dog…………………………………………………I realize now it’s also about me

everything has a price……………………………….make sure you know what you are paying for……………………and if the price is worth it


that puts the mouse in my head back on the wheel