green stamps

I remember when stores would give these little green stamps after making purchases………………..and you would fill the little booklets up and when you reached certain levels one could trade them in for ”gifts”, yeah right, you paid for them many times over, but it was fun to collect them and then ”redeem” them for stuff………………………………stuff you didn’t need, never would buy and you were lucky if they lasted more than a few weeks…………………whatever

I like to think about my struggles and lessons from life as ” green stamps ” that get redeemed when I face challenges and issues along the way. it has been a great blessing not to feel like those struggles and missteps were wasted, just glued into my little booklet to be ” redeemed ” as new issues come up…………………….they help me to remember first of all that I got through it, that what was gleaned from the experience might be applicable to this situation and that I am a ”Journeyman” on this road of life……………………… the goal is to be aware of what life has already taught me and to avoid as many pitfalls as possible, knowing I will always make mistakes……………………………….sometimes many……………………….sometimes just a few

as the world spins on its axis I don’t have to spin out of control, when I fill my booklets up, I have an ace in the hole………………………never will be perfect but getting better

do you have some glue?


  1. Mary Jo Dailey on October 19, 2017 at 12:37 am

    God is in the business of redemption. He seeks to redeem creation – to bring all that was created good back into communion with Him. Thank God, He lets us be a part of the process.

    “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20

    God wastes nothing.

    Bad things happen to all of us because people choose evil over good. It’s a choice. Sometimes we are the one acting, sometimes we’re the ones acted upon. But when the bad comes, God will redeem it.

    Just like green stamps in the 60’s, loyalty cards and coupons – God gives good in return for prices we’ve paid. If we allow ourselves to be healed, then vulnerable to others, our survival and wisdom can be used to provide solace and nurture to others…and it feels soooooo good.

    • on October 23, 2017 at 2:55 am

      Blessings, lovely response